May 27, 2021
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held in the Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board Room located in Newberry County, State of South Carolina, on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 6:30 pm. Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert presided.
After the call to order, invocation, and establishing members present, Mrs. Leann Hutto, V.P. of Human Resources, gave a special presentation outlining a detailed summary of employee benefits. After some discussion, this information was accepted by the Board.
Chairman Dickert made a motion to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing President and CEO G. Keith Avery’s yearly evaluation. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. President and CEO G. Keith Avery, Leann Hutto, and Allston Lipscomb were asked to leave the meeting. After some discussion, Trustee Hipp made a motion to reconvene into Regular Session. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. President Avery and Ms. Lipscomb returned to the meeting. Chairman Dickert informed President Avery that he has a favorable evaluation, and the board has voted to give him a raise in salary for his continued dedication and hard work on behalf of the Cooperative. Mr. Avery thanked the Board for their confidence in him to lead the cooperative’s efforts and oversee the day to day operations.
Trustee Hipp made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes from April 2021 as emailed. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Finance Committee Chairman John Wayne Nichols reported that the Finance Committee met on May 25, 2021. The finance report was submitted as information. The consensus of the Board was to accept the report.
Attorney Thomas H. Pope, III stated that he did have an Attorney Report. A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to go into Executive Session. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. After Attorney Thomas H. Pope, III updated the Board, Trustee Hipp made a motion to reconvene into Regular Session. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. Chairman Dickert reconvened the meeting to Regular Session.
President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed his activity and meetings for the month. He discussed a virtual meeting with Senator Lindsey Graham he had on May 10th where the allocation of federal funding for the rural broadband expansion in SC was the main topic of conversation. He also mentioned that he very much enjoyed meeting the new President of Samsung, KS Choi, on May 14th and looks forward to working together with him in the future. He also referenced his meeting with CarolinaConnect to discuss the possibility of adding phone services to their offerings.
President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed in detail the financial and operational data for April 2021. The amount of write-offs for April is $1561.90. Trustee Hipp made a motion to accept this amount. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed the Engineering and Operations, Operational Support, and IT reports for the month. Engineering is continuing to work on Prosperity Substation upgrades. He also noted that all pole and joint use inspections have been completed for 2021.
President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed itineraries and course schedules for the ECSC Summer Conference to be held in SC on June 7-9, 2021.
President and CEO G. Keith Avery referenced the Online Course Registration instructions for the Board of Trustees Continuing Education classes through November 2021.
President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed a proposal provided by Emily Marketing for advertising opportunities in the new Newberry Now countywide magazine launching on June 1, 2021. It was recommended that Attorney Thomas H. Pope, III review the terms and conditions of the advertising agreement before making a commitment to advertise in their publication.
There being no further business and without objections, Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert
adjourned the May 2021 Regular Board Meeting at 8:50 pm.
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