WIRE is a statewide community service organization established in 1981 through the Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc.

WIRE's motto is People Helping People, and to that end members aid victims of tornadoes, hurricanes, and house fires. They support homeless shelters, children's homes, and programs like Habitat for Humanity and the Palmetto Project. 

  • Promote understanding of and interest in the rural electrification movement;
  • Support the member owned electric cooperatives as they improve the quality of life in rural South Carolina and the nation;
  • Open communication between local electric cooperatives, statewide and national associations;
  • Assist local, state, and national rural electric organizations in carrying out their legislative and public relations programs; and
  • Establish relationships with other women's organizations helping to gain support and understanding for rural electrification programs.

Women eligible for membership include: consumer members, employees, employees' wives, retirees formerly associated with electric cooperatives, directors, and directors' wives.  WIRE chapters are established by local electric cooperatives to work within their own service area. These chapters operate within the network of the South Carolina WIRE and the Cooperative Service Network.  Each cooperative designates a key woman to work with state and national organizations and local managers.

Having been established in 1982, the local WIRE (Women Involved in Rural Electrification) Chapters at electric cooperatives across the state have been the charitable arm of the cooperative.  Chapters have made a significant difference in the communities in which they serve through assisting those in need with a host of community projects and improving the quality of life for members and communities.  

The NEC WIRE Chapter NEC holds several fundraisers a year to fund community projects and assist members with paying their power bill.  For the last 10 years, the cooperative has held an annual Operation Round Up golf tournament, the largest fundraiser the chapter does.  The chapter also has a tent at the annual meeting where they sell plates, have a bake sale, and various other activities to raise money.

The Chapter meets quarterly and is active throughout the year.    If you are a cooperative member and would like to be a part of the NEC WIRE Chapter, we’d love to have you join.  Contact Debra Shaw at 803-276-1121 for more information.


To apply for membership please contact Debra Shaw at dshaw@nec.coop

Women returning to school to earn college degrees may now apply for financial assistance from the Jenny Ballard Opportunity Scholarship program.


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