April 24, 2023


         The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held at the Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. located in Newberry County, State of South Carolina on Monday, April 24, 2023.

         The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert at 6:25 p.m. followed by invocation with the determination of a quorum present. 

         The secretary reported that the following Board Members were present:

                        Barbara C. Bishop       Leon Fulmer, Jr.                      J. Craig Kesler

                        M. Blake Brigman      Melanie B. Hawkins               William Lominick, Sr.

                        Johnnie L. Dickert      Douglas E. Hipp                     John W. Nichols         

            Also present were President and CEO G. Keith Avery, Attorney Kyle Parker, who attended in the absence of Attorney Thomas Pope, III, and Executive Secretary Deirdre Murphy.

            After Chairman Dickert welcomed Mrs. Barbara C. Bishop to the Board, Attorney Parker conducted the election of officers by paper ballots.  The following were elected by majority vote:

                        Chairman—Johnnie L. Dickert

                        Vice-Chairman—Mr. William B. Lominick, Sr.

                        Secretary/Treasurer—Mr. John W. Nichols

            Chairman Dickert appointed Mr. J. Craig Kesler to the Finance Committee due to a vacancy by the retirement of Mr. C. J. Bishop.  President and CEO Avery reviewed the number of registered members for the 2023 Annual Meeting. The district totals are as follows:

                        District I ---790

                        District II---683

                        District III--635

                                                            Grand Total—2,108   

The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the March 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept the minutes as emailed.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.

            Committee Chairman John W. Nichols reported that the Finance Committee held its regular meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.  The committee members are Trustees Johnnie Dickert, William Lominick, and John Nichols. All were present along with President and CEO Avery. 

            Chairman Nichols reported that the Finance Committee reviewed cash disbursements for March 2023.  All expenditures were found to be in order, and the committee is presenting this report as information.  The consensus of the board was to accept the report.

 Attorney Kyle Parker stated that he did not have an Attorney’s Report.

President Avery reviewed the functions and activities he attended or participated in during the month of April.  He attended the Central Electric Member & Energy Services Committee meeting, and they are working on the rate structure.  He and Trustees Hawkins, Hipp, Lominick, and Nichols attended the Washington Legislative Rally.  President Avery also conducted an orientation for Mrs. Barbara Bishop with staff members to get her familiar with Cooperative business.

President and CEO Avery reviewed in detail the operational data for March 2023.  The amount of write offs for March is $1,189.23.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept this amount.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

            President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed the Engineering and Operations and Operational Support reports for the month. Engineering has continued to do work on updating substation and downline recloser settings per the sectionalizing study.  Lee Electric continues to work on Rolling Hills Subdivision.  Work place violence/harassment training for all employees was conducted.  DHEC facility inspection was completed.

           President Avery referenced the ECSC Summer Conference to take place in June 2023.  Six trustees expressed an interest in attending.

            President Avery informed the trustees that the amounts quoted at the last board meeting from Federated Insurance are correct and in line with what was requested. 

            President Avery referenced information on the Cooperative System Integrity Fund participation from CFC.  The Integrity Fund supports systems across the network in resisting threats to their service territories, their right to offer non-electric energy services to consumers, and when facing regulatory, judicial or legislative challenges that threaten their existence under the cooperative business model.  Trustee Kesler made a motion to deduct 5% of the refund that Newberry Electric would receive from CFC and donate to the Integrity Fund to be used for All Purposes.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. 

            The Central Electric Power Cooperative March 30, 2023 Special Called Board Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 4, 2023 G-20 Meeting, and the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 4, 2023 Rate Task Force Board Meeting summaries were all accepted as information. 

            The ECSC Board Meeting Highlights for April 6 were accepted as information, along with the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 10, 2023 FAR Committee Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 10, 2023 Member & Energy Services Committee Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 12, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 13,  2023 Engineering Committee Meeting, and  the Central Electric Power Cooperative April 20, 2023 Power Committee Meeting.

            President Avery asked the trustees to please return the CEO evaluation forms to Mr. Pope by May 5, 2023.

           President Avery reminded everyone that the May Regular Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 because of the Memorial Day holiday, and to start thinking about having a meeting in July to work on the strategic and succession plans.

          There being no further business and without objections, Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert adjourned the April 2023 Regular Board Meeting at 7:35 p.m.

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SECRETARY                                                                                    APPROVED
