April 29, 2024


         The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. took place at Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. located in Newberry County, State of South Carolina on Monday, April 29, 2024.

         Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert called the meeting to order at 6:28 p.m. followed by invocation with the determination of a quorum present.  

         The secretary reported that the following Board Members were present:

            Barbara C. Bishop                   Leon Fulmer, Jr.                      J. Craig Kesler

            M. Blake Brigman                  Melanie B. Hawkins               William Lominick, Sr.

            Johnnie L. Dickert                  Douglas E. Hipp                     John W. Nichols         

         Also present were President and CEO G. Keith Avery, Attorney Thomas Pope, III, VP of Operational Support Stephanie Sullivan, Right of Way Coordinator Doug Metts, and Executive Secretary Deirdre Murphy.

         Attorney Pope conducted the election of officers by paper ballots.  The following were elected by majority vote:

                        Chairman—Johnnie L. Dickert

                        Vice-Chairman—Mr. William B. Lominick, Sr.

                        Secretary/Treasurer—Mr. John W. Nichols

President and CEO Avery reviewed the cost, stats, and the number of registered members for the 2024 Annual Meeting. The district totals are as follows:

                        District I ---712

                        District II---605

                        District III--628                                  Grand Total—1,945 registered members

Chairman Dickert asked if anyone wanted to have an Executive Session.  Trustee Kesler made a motion to have an Executive Session.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.  All left the room except the trustees and the attorney.  After some discussion, the meeting returned to Regular Session, and everyone returned.  No actions or voting took place during the session.

The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes from the March 2024 Regular Board Meeting.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept the minutes as emailed with an addition that Trustee Brigman did not agree to donate to the Harpootlian for Senate campaign.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.

            Committee Chairman John W. Nichols reported that the Finance Committee held its regular meeting on Wednesday, April 24 at 6:30 p.m.  The committee members are Trustees Johnnie Dickert, Craig Kesler, William Lominick, and John Nichols. All were present along with President and CEO Avery. 

            Chairman Nichols reported that the Finance Committee reviewed cash disbursements for March.  All expenditures were found to be in order, and the committee is presenting this report as information.  The consensus of the board was to accept the report.

 Attorney Pope requested an Executive Session.  Trustee Hipp made the motion. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.  After some discussion, Trustee Hipp made a motion to return to Regular Session.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.  No voting or actions were taken during the Executive Session. 

Trustee Kesler made a motion to discuss a correspondence from a NEC member received by Mr. Pope.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.  The Executive Committee will meet to discuss in detail.

President Avery reviewed the functions and activities he attended or participated in during the month of April.  He and Cole Price met with Samsung about renewables.  He attended a Central Electric-Santee Cooper Fellowship Meeting along with Jimmy Staton.  He, with Trustees Hawkins, Hipp, Lominick, and Nichols attended the NRECA Washington Legislative Conference.  He and Trustee Nichols attending the CarolinaConnect Board Meeting.  

President and CEO Avery reviewed in detail the operational data for March 2024.  The amount of write offs for March is $1,253.02.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept this amount.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

           President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed the Engineering and Operations, and Operational Support reports for the month. Engineering has completed the Blair land acquisition.  They shut down the Trinity Substation and replaced bad high side arrestors.  A new Dollar General store is getting temporary power on the corner of Hwy 391 and Stoney Hill Rd.  A replacement truck is being assembled at Altec and is scheduled to be delivered after the recall is repaired.  Five linemen competed in the SC Lineman Rodeo at Berkeley Electric Cooperative.  All employees are reminded of the upcoming RESAP.

            Stephanie Sullivan discussed the CFC loans and updated numbers on the fiber project.  Mrs. Sullivan, along with Doug Metts, discussed the Right of Way maintenance and years of rotation. 

            President Avery reminded the trustees of the ECSC Summer Conference in June.  All trustees are planning to attend.

            The ECSC Board Meeting Highlights for April 4, 2024 were reviewed by President Avery and accepted as information.

            The Newberry County Hospital Foundation 2024 Friends of the Foundation Dinner flyer was accepted as information.

            The NRECA Region 2 Meeting will take place in October in Columbia, SC.  All trustees are interested in attending.

            The Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. April 10, 2024 G-20 Meeting Summary was accepted as information.

            Chairman Dickert made a motion to appoint Trustee Nichols to take his place on the Broadband Cooperatives of South Carolina Association Board, since Trustee Nichols is already on the CarolinaConnect Board.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.  This Board usually meets four times a year.

            President Avery reviewed an email from Blue Cross Blue Shield implementing an 8% increase in the Medicare Supplement premiums.

           The Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. April 17, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. April 16, 2024, Member & Energy Services Committee Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. April 16, 2024, Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee Meeting, the Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. April 18, 2024 Engineering Committee Meeting, and the Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. April 18, 2024, Power Committee Meeting summaries were all accepted as information. 

            President Avery reviewed a letter from the South Carolina Department of Administration explaining the Westinghouse Settlement Fund that may be provided to approved vendors.

           President Avery reminded everyone that the May Regular Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 because of the Memorial Day holiday.

           President and CEO Avery also informed the trustees of hirings, retirements, and resignations that have happened or will happened in the next few months.

           There being no further business and without objections, Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert adjourned the April 2024 Regular Board Meeting at 9:00 p.m.




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SECRETARY                                                                                    APPROVED
