February 26, 2024


         The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held at Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. located in Newberry County, State of South Carolina on Monday, February 26, 2024.

         The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert at 6:35 p.m. followed by invocation with the determination of a quorum present. 

         The secretary reported that the following Board Members were present:

                        Barbara Bishop           Leon Fulmer                Craig Kesler

                        Blake Brigman            Melanie Hawkins        William Lominick

                        Johnnie Dickert           Doug Hipp                  John Nichols  

            Also present were President and CEO G. Keith Avery, Attorney Thomas H. Pope, III, and Executive Secretary Deirdre Murphy.  Trustee Hawkins and Ms. Murphy attended by WebEx.

            Chairman Dickert presented Director Gold certificates to Trustee Brigman, Fulmer, Hipp, and Nichols.  These trustees completed the requirements to renew their Gold certificates by continuing to take courses conducted by NRECA.

            The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the January 2024 Regular Board Meeting.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept the minutes as emailed.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.    

            Committee Chairman John W. Nichols reported that the Finance Committee held its regular meeting on Monday, February 19 at 6:30 p.m.  The committee members are Trustees Johnnie Dickert, William Lominick, Craig Kesler, and John Nichols.  All were present including President and CEO Avery.

            Chairman Nichols reported that the Finance Committee reviewed cash disbursements for January 2024.  All expenditures were found to be in order, and the committee is presenting this report as general information.  The consensus of the board was to accept the report.

 Attorney Pope stated that he did not need an Executive Session. 

             President Avery reviewed the functions and activities he attended or participated in during the month of February.  He met with SC Senate Representative Ronnie Cromer.  He, along with the trustees and several employees, attended the SC Electric Cooperatives Legislative Luncheon on the State House grounds in Columbia.

           President Avery reviewed in detail the operational data for January.  The amount of write offs for January is $3977.51.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept this amount.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

          President Avery reviewed the Engineering and Operations and Operational Support reports for the month.  Engineering conducted substation and downline inspections.  The Riley Rd. and Newberry Data Centers are pulling approximately 13.2 MW.  Kevin Shull is continuing to work with Mr. Pope to acquire land at MCCP and the Blair substation.  Normal operations

are being done and jobs are approximately 1 to 1 ½ weeks out.  They also completed a safety meeting on RESAP Review and requirements.

          President and CEO Avery revisited the credit card fees from last month’s meeting.  A flat fee of $3.00 was approved for credit card transactions.  After reviewing more information, there is an option to charge $3.95 per credit card transaction up to $300.00.  If the customer’s bill is over $300.00, the fee will be tiered by doubling the $3.95 fee for each $300.00.  This would go into effect on April 1, 2024 and would apply to on line credit card transactions.  After some discussion, Trustee Hipp made a motion to accept the change from last month.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. 

           President Avery asked if any trustee were interested in attending the Directors Conference, the Washington Legislative Rally, and the ECSC Summer Conference to let Deirdre Murphy know so that reservations can be made.

           The ECSC Board Meeting Highlights from February 1, 2024 were accepted as information. 

            President Avery reviewed information on the ECSC Trustee Association Conference Eight trustees expressed an interest in attending. 

            President Avery reviewed a memo from Rob Hochstetler, President and CEO of Central Electric Power, requesting certification of Trustee qualification for Central Trustee appointments at the March 13, 2024 Annual Meeting.  Trustee Hipp made a motion to keep the delegates are they are, being President Avery and Chairman Dickert.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.

              President and CEO Avery reviewed a resolution for the 2023 deferred revenue.  Trustee Nichols made a motion to approve the resolution as written.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. 

              The Central Electric Power Cooperative Inc. February 12, 2024 Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee Meeting, the February 12, 2024 Member & Energy Services Committee Meeting, the February 13, 2024 Power Committee Meeting, the February 12, 2024 Engineering Committee Meeting, and the February 14, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting summaries were all accepted as information.

              President Avery reminded the trustees of the 2024 CEEUS and Line Equipment Trade Show to be held in March.  Six trustees expressed an interest in attending.

              President and CEO Avery explained Newberry Electric Cooperative’s Staff changes and Succession Plan for 2024.  This was accepted as information.

             There being no further business and without objections, Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert adjourned the February Regular Board Meeting at 8:25 p.m.


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SECRETARY                                                                                    APPROVED
