January 24, 2024


         The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held at Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. located in Newberry County, State of South Carolina on Wednesday, January 24, 2024.

         The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert at 6:30 p.m. followed by invocation with the determination of a quorum present. 

         The secretary reported that the following Board Members were present:

                        Barbara C. Bishop       Leon Fulmer                Craig Kesler

                        Blake Brigman            Melanie Hawkins        William Lominick

                        Johnnie Dickert           Doug Hipp                  John Nichols  

            Also present were President and CEO G. Keith Avery, Chief Financial Officer Arthur Guy, Vice President of Engineering and Operations Kevin Shull, Vice President of Operational Support Stephanie Sullivan, Vice President of Human Resources Leann Hutto, Vice President of Marketing and Communications Debra Shaw, and Vice President of Government and Public Relations Nick Shealy. Also in attendance were Attorney Thomas H. Pope, III, and Executive Secretary Deirdre Murphy. 

            The Board dispensed with the reading of the minutes of the December 2023 Regular Board Meeting.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept the minutes as emailed.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.    

            Committee Chairman John W. Nichols reported that the Finance Committee held its regular meeting on Monday, January 22 at 6:30 p.m.  The committee members are Trustees Johnnie Dickert, Craig Kesler, William Lominick, and John Nichols.  President and CEO Avery was also present.

            Chairman Nichols reported that the Finance Committee reviewed cash disbursements for December 2023.  All expenditures were found to be in order, and the committee is presenting this report as general information.  The consensus of the board was to accept the report.

 Attorney Pope requested an Executive Session.  Trustee Hipp made the motion to go into Executive Session.  The motion was seconded and passed without objection.  After giving an update on matters, Attorney Pope requested to come out of Executive Session.  Trustee Kesler made the motion to return to Regular Session.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.  There was no voting and no action taken during the Executive Session.

             President Avery reviewed the functions and activities he attended or participated in during the month of January.  He attended a College Business Night at Newberry College, two meetings of the Facilities Task Force with ECSC, and the Korean-American Day.

             Mr. Guy reviewed in detail the operational data for December 2023.  The amount of write offs for December is $2,255.26.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept this amount.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

             Mr. Shull reviewed the Engineering and Operations reports for the month, and he explained the case summary report for the year.  This states the number and length of outages.

             Mrs. Sullivan explained the Fiber to the Home Annual Report for the year 2023.  Newberry Electric installed 755 drops for internet to homes.  NEC is still trying to get grants to help install more drops.

             Mrs. Hutto reviewed details from the Human Resource Department.  She discussed the number of insurance claims submitted for the year.  She reminded everyone of the Health Screening to take place in February.  She stated there is still no word on an agreement between United Health Care and Prisma Health. 

             Mrs. Shaw provided information on the Co-Op Day at the State House on February 8, 2024.  She expressed how important it is for all who attend to meet with the Legislative members.  Mr. Shealy also expressed the importance of attending.  Five trustees will be attending the event. 

            President Avery and Attorney Pope explained a proposed Bylaw amendment, Section 4.03. Election, for consideration at the 2024 Annual Meeting.  The membership will vote on this amendment.  Trustee Hipp made a motion to accept the amendment as written.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition. 

            President Avery reminded the trustees of the NRECA Power X Change 2024 to be held in March.  Six trustees have expressed an interest in attending.

            President Avery reminded the trustees of the 2024 Youth Tour and Cooperative Youth Summit to be held this summer.  The deadline for applications is February 2, 2024.

            The ECSC Government Relations Committee Meeting Minutes (unapproved) November 20, 2023 summary was accepted as information.

            President Avery asked the trustees to consider attending the Directors Conference, the Washington Legislative Rally, the ECSC Trustee Association Spring Meeting, and the ECSC Summer Conference.  ECSC is asking for a headcount to prepare for the conferences.

            President Avery referenced a memo from the President and CEO of Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc., Rob Hochstetler, concerning delegates to Central’s March 13, 2024 Annual Meeting.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to keep Chairman Dickert as a trustee.  President Avery is automatically a trustee because he is CEO.  The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.  Trustee Hipp stated that he would like to attend the meeting also.

            President Avery reminded the trustees of the information needed for Annual Meeting shirts.

            President Avery discussed the credit card companies’ fees that the coop is paying.  The staff’s recommendation is to charge $3.00 per credit card transaction.  A motion was made by Trustee Hipp to accept the recommendation.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

            The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina Communications Committee Meeting November 20, 2023 Minutes (unapproved), the Central Electric Power Cooperative January 16, 2024 G-20 Meeting Summary, and the Central Electric Power Cooperative January 17, 2024 Board Meeting Summary were all accepted as information.        

           President Avery stated that he will represent Central Electric at the Santee Cooper Board Meeting in May. 

           The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Monday, February 26, 2024 at 6:30 pm.

           There being no further business and without objections, Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert adjourned the January 2024 Regular Board Meeting at 8:25 p.m.


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SECRETARY                                                                                    APPROVED
