October 25, 2021

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. was held in the Newberry Electric Cooperative, Inc. Board Room located in Newberry County, State of South Carolina, on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 6:33 pm. Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert presided.

After the call to order, invocation, and establishing all members present, Trustee Hipp made a motion to approve the Regular Board Meeting minutes from August 2021 as emailed. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Finance Committee Chairman John Wayne Nichols reported that the Finance Committee did not meet on Tuesday October 19, 2021, and the cooperative’s September and October finances will be reviewed at their November meeting.

Attorney Thomas H. Pope, III stated that he did not have an Attorney Report at this time.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed the functions and activities he attended or participated in during the month of October. On October 1st he had a WebEx meeting on broadband. On October 15th he had a Spec Building meeting with Brian Nash. President and CEO G. Keith Avery along with several Trustees attended the NRECA Region 2 Conference held on October 5-7 and commented that it was a very productive meeting.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed in detail the financial and operational data for September 2021. The amount of write-offs for August is $360.75. Trustee Hipp made a motion to accept this amount. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed the Engineering and Operations and Operational Support reports for the month. Engineering has inspected all substations, recorded the readings, and have started the underground reconduct on the Frontage Road off of Highway 202. They have also performed a DGA test at all substations on transformers and regulators.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery reviewed the fiber projections for the upcoming months. NEC through, CarolinaConnect, has 3920 active fiber accounts for billing in September.


President and CEO G. Keith Avery read a thank you note from a member thanking Newberry Electric and CarolinaConnect for connecting their internet service and how pleased they are with the exceptional service they are receiving.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery reminded the Trustees of the ECSC Winter Conference to be held on December 6-8, 2021.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery also reminded the Trustees of the 2022 NRECA Power XCHANGE Conference to be held March 4-9, 2022.

The Trustees reviewed a memorandum regarding the Trustee nomination for the CarolinaConnect Board of Directors. After some discussion, Trustee Kesler made a motion to nominate Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert to serve as Trustee on the Board of CarolinaConnect. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.

A Corporate Partnership Package from Newberry College was reviewed by the Board of Trustees, and a motion was made by Trustee Kesler to accept the partnership agreement as outlined. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery referenced the Central Electric Power Cooperative Rates Task Force Committee Meeting Summary. The report was accepted as information.

Communications Specialist, Allston Lipscomb, invited the Trustees to the Ride Across South Carolina event to be held at NEC on October 27 and reviewed the itinerary for the cyclists in more detail.  Newberry Electric provided boxed lunches for the riders.

Trustee Blake Brigman was presented with his Directors Gold Certificate by Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert. The NRECA Director Gold Credential recognizes Board members that are committed to continuing their education and demonstrating their ongoing commitment to the cooperative.

President and CEO G. Keith Avery discussed some details about a proposed Spec Building in the Mid-Carolina Commerce park. After much discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Kesler not to support the building of a Spec Building at this time. The motion was seconded and passed without opposition.

There being no further business and without objections, Chairman Johnnie L. Dickert adjourned the September 2021 Regular Board Meeting at 7:55 p.m.


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SECRETARY                                                                                    APPROVED
